I loved this book, but I hate the author. Why, you ask? Because the little bastard hadn't even graduated from Brown when he wrote this, and its a damn sight better than anything I could do at the age (or now, for that matter). God, I loathe natural talent. Anyway, its still a great read, and if you aren't the jealous type I'm sure you'll like it just fine.
In addition to people who are more talented than I, I also hate religious fundamentalists - and that's what the book is about, from the perspective of a secret infiltrator - Roose himself, who took a semester off from Brown University to enroll in Jerry Falwell's Liberty College. Liberty, as you may know, was started several years ago, during the heyday of the Moral Majority, to educate good Christians, while still maintaining their insulation from climate of foul sin that surrounds most Liberal Arts schools. (I went to UC Santa Barbara, by the way, and majored in beer bonging.)